Friday, November 10, 2006

Nearsighted Swedish men

In 1930 less than 10% of the swedish young men drafted to military service were nearsighted, today around 40% are. Why?

The only solution scientists can think of is that people today spend most of their time in front of a computer screen or reading books and magazines. This is not what our eyes were meant to do when they were developed during evolution.

Young boys today can spend all their free time playing computer games, some might spend 10 hours per day with a concentrated look into the screen 40 centimeters away. The eye simple does not practice during this time and seems to grow to big causing nearsightedness.

What to do? Limit computer time? Is it possible?

I just know that I'm soo happy that there were no computers available when I was a young kid. I had to live irl....

irl = in real life :-)

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