Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sweden now has a new government!

A not so typical government. The right wing parties have combined to form an alliance to rule Sweden for the next 4 years.

It is not often during modern times that Sweden has had anything else than the old well known socialistic government.

Now the right wing parties have promised a lot of changes, here are the basic structure and most important areas for focus:

More freedom of choice - People in Sweden shall be able to choose whether they want private or government services. All parts of society shall be more commercialized so that it is possible to make money and thereby stimulate a higher variety of services to the people.

More people must work - Sweden has a high unemployment both because unemployed people have good benefits and can live a good life as unemployed and because companies do not want to hire more workers.

More students shall leave school with an education - as it is now a lot of unmotivated students do not learn anything in school and some can't even read when compulsory school is over.

Older and long-term sick people in Sweden need more attention - the way to do this is to privatize more parts of the healthcare. Then people who have a lot of money can buy better services and the others also get a better service in the public hospitals because of less pressure on the remaining staff.

The rest of the declaration is basically describing these major changes in more detail.

Sweden might become the wonderful place it once was again with all these valuable promises.

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